You Know Already, But Britney Is Pregnant Again

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I really didn't want to post about this all day, but I finally went against my good judgment and did it anyway. Britney Spears admitted to being 4 months pregnant with her second child last night on David Letterman.

While talking to Letterman, Spears said:"Don't worry Dave, it's not yours."

Britney went on during the interview to confirm that she wasn't joking about being pregnant, and she was once again expecting. This is devastating news to most of the human race, because quite frankly, nobody can get a boner by looking at her anymore. Expert Scientists with double majors in quantum physics and Psychology are still trying to figure out how K-fed was able to get a boner. More importantly, they are trying to figure out how he was able to stay hard long enough to impregnate this woman. I personally think I would rather drop a hatchet on my penis before I let it touch any part of this woman who was injected with hippo DNA

BTW: here's the video of you want to see it for yourself

Posted by darkhat at 5/10/2006  

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