Tom Cruise Is Iron Man

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Page Six is reporting that Tom Cruise is the front runner to star in the upcoming super hero adventure, Iron Man. Jon Favreau is going to develop and direct the movie, which will be produced by Marvel Comics.

Six reports: "Cruise said he'd be interested if he got a good script. And with Favreau ("Swingers," "Elf") now developing one, it looks like that could happen."

Everyone is always talking about how cool these comic book heroes are, but I am sure that Emily Morals- this hot piece of ass in high school- was not impressed with my Fantastic Four collection. I know I didn't have to dress her up as Mary Jane when we went to the spring fling, but what else am I going to do? I was able to turn that nerd into homecoming queen because she dated me- cough, cough blew me. However, this is much different, this girl was totally a slut. I mean come on, she was Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans are only used for our sexual pleasure, they're hardly even real people.

Posted by darkhat at 5/10/2006  
Anonymous said...

yo dh, this is off topic - but are you going to show us some nice before and after pics of Ashlee Simpson's nose job? thanks doll.

11:28 AM  
Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. Nick Cassavettes is supposed to be directing the new movie Iron Man, I heard that news last year. I see a lawsuit coming!

1:57 PM  

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