Britney Spears Cuts Off K-Feds Allowance

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

F.F. has confirmed that Britney Spears has refused to fund her husband's crazy spending. Britney is getting really tired of K-fag partying with her cash.

A friend of the singer said: "Kevin asked Britney for money to go to Las Vegas in two weeks, but she shut him down. Britney told him that she won't be funding his trips with his friends any longer - he used to fly everyone out on her dime. The monthly allowance she had put him on seems to be disappearing after only one week."

Federline just doesn't know what he's doing. I can usually shake my ass in a Hawaiian skirt and get the ladies to throw money at me, but it's just not that classy, which is why I write a website. Obviously, the lucrative woman who read my site don't care about spelling, and neither do I. The people who don't understand my borderline 100k alexa ranking are the same people that piss and moan like little bitches about typos in my posts. Listen, I really don't give a fuck, if I did I would spell check. Bottom line: 5-10 thousand people a day will read this sentence, while you need a tampon because your biggest accomplishment will be leaving a comment on my site.

Posted by darkhat at 5/10/2006  

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