Paris Hilton Gets Paid $200,000 To Wave

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The NY Post has confirmed that Paris Hiltom made $200,000 for riding by in a boat and waving at a Cannes charity event on Saturday. And people are saying she was paid $1 million to show up for a similar event in Vienna a short time ago.

Paris had this to say about the $200,00 wave: "All I had to do was wave, like this," she said, imitating Queen Elizabeth II's stately palm swivel.

It's times like this that I seriously consider suicide, or sniping important political figures from strategically designed spots throughout the United States. I work my ass off - mostly masturbating - but it's just a shame that people can stoop to this level. Obviously, I had similar experiences, but instead of my hand, I pulled out my cock. And instead of waving in public, I masturbated in public. And instead of $200,000, I got 200 hours of community service.

Posted by darkhat at 5/24/2006  

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