Jessica Simpson Needs Bodyguards To Take A Shit

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Female First is reporting that Jessica Simpson is very particular about going number 2, and even forces her body guards to watch over her stall when she goes in public.

An eye witness reported: "Jessica Simpson ordered her bodyguards to close off a public toilet because she wanted to do her business in private."According to America's New York Post newspaper, the 'Dukes of Hazard' star left female diners at Mr Chow's restaurant in Beverly Hills fuming after she took control of the ladies room.

It sucks when you are as high class as people like me and Jessica, because fans will do anything to get a kinky picture of you. I remember people freaked out the last time I was at my YMCA swim lessons, taking a shit on that mentally retarded girl. Sure, people told me 24 is too old to take swim lessons with 12 year olds. But it's never to late to learn, and who knows, you may even teach the kids a thing or two about life. I learn most things off the back of menus at local restuarants. I remember when they advertised that generic Axe body spray, man was that a good idea. It had to be, the menu was laminated.

Posted by darkhat at 5/24/2006  

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