Mandy Moore's Label Thinks She Sucks

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The C.B is reporting that Mandy Moore's new album may not get released because her record label thinks it sucks a big dick. She tried to change up her style a little, and they aren't impressed.

Mandy Moore explains: "I don’t know. It’s depressing. Maybe it (the record) will come out this year? Maybe next? I think my label is expecting a poppier, mainstream-type thing from me. If you’re lucky, people are able to go beyond your image. Justin Timberlake is an example. He’s creating something that’s his own. But I’m not really a celebrity like he is."

You definitley aren't a celeb like he is Mandy. You've always been considered the untalented sister of Christina, Jess, and Brit. But Brit got fat, Christina got married, Jess is still hot, and you still have no talent. If Mandy Moore ever entered a beauty contest in Cleveland, you wouldn't be able to pick her out of the crowd. It would be a bunch of below average girls, wearing one piece bathing suits. And guess what.... not proof reading as usual.

Posted by darkhat at 5/25/2006  
Anonymous said...

You're high if you don't think Mandy is a great looking young lady.

Maybe not quite as hot as Jessica or Christina, but not she's not too far behind IMO.

9:07 AM  

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