Jennifer Love Hewitt Is Good For Something

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

That sexy temptress Nosy Snoop was able to find these pics of JLH sucking down on a lollipop. I usually try to avoid writing anything about Hewitt, mostly because she has no talent and looks like the Alien from American Dad.

OK, I'm going to be serious for a minute. I tried to sit here and get a boner or like 15 minutes looking at these pictures of her tongue. I really tried. That's a big insult coming from me, because I think about raping woman every 20 seconds or so. It's really not a big deal. All the woman I rape are wearing skirts above their knees, you know they're asking for it. They want to be raped. Sluts.

Posted by darkhat at 5/10/2006  

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