Angelina Jolie May Drown Her Baby
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Celebrity Spider is reporting that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are going to deliver their first child in a giant tub of water. The couple have been looking into birthing possibilities at the Welwitschia Hospital in Namibia, and have decided to go aquatic when Jolie goes into labor.
Iris Wabuto, a nurse at the clinic, says, "It will be natural and beautiful. Instead of a man like Brad being pushed into the corner of a labor ward, he will be part of the birth process."
I think this is a great idea, on more than one level. If a woman is ever actually stupid enough to give birth to my child, we will definitely have a water birth. It isn't for everyone, but I'm busy and don't have much time to practice my laps. Ever since I lost the 100 meter to Boris Yahtzin in the 96 Olympics, I have wanted my revenge. Although I have switched from showers to baths in order to help my breast stroke, Boris is a superb German swimmer, and may or may not be injected with unicorn DNA.
Its amazing how the foreigners always find ways to criticize a place that they know nothing of... $$$