Jamie Foxx Is Not In The Circle Of Trust

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

IMDB has confirmed that Jamie Foxx has accidently leaked information that Eva Longoria and Tony Parker are getting married.

Foxx appeared on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show on Monday and unknowingly let slip it won't be long before the couple walk down the aisle. He revealed, "I know her boyfriend and soon-to-be husband. We're good friends. We actually hooked up on a song. He raps in French. He kills in French. It sounds sexy, I don't know what he's saying. He could just be saying, Order me dinner. It's a trip to hear it."

This isn't the first time Jamie Foxx ruined a secret or two, or three. He's known around Hollywood as the ditzy girl in highschool that you don't want to tell anything important to. I also hear he told people Britney Spears was molested as a child, Jessica Simpson likes anal sex, and Lindsay Lohan has terminal brain cancer. What a stand up guy.

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Posted by darkhat at 4/18/2006  
Anonymous said...

I don't think Jamie Foxx can do anyting right, much less keep a big secret.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous said...

Well let me think. ACT

10:12 AM  
hazim said...

Hey. Hazim here...again. I never really liked Jamie Foxx. He should take that Oscar and shove it up his ass. Actually, I think he might have already done that...

10:24 PM  

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