Angelina Jolie's Security Will Smash Your Face

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Female First is reporting that Angelina Jolie's bodyguard Mickey Brett has sent a crazy message to the paparazzi who are stalking the couple at their Namibian hideaway. Brett is overseeing the security that has assured she will get total privacy, and some reports say that one photographer has been doused with pepper spray.

He sent out this threat: "If I find anyone getting a picture of Jolie I will fucking smash someone to pieces. I'm not joking. I'll fucking put someone in the hospital. Tell your friends."

This really isn't a big deal, because my body guards have been doing things like this for years. Usually, people who talk to me end up with a few fractured ribs and plenty of stitches. I just hate the fact that it was my sister, whatever, you really can't make exceptions.

Posted by darkhat at 4/18/2006  

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