Bruce Willis Wants To Cut Oprah's Throat

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Page Six has confirmed that at Bruce Willis has come to the defense of James Frey, writer of the skeptical book, A Million Pieces. Bruce said: "Look at what happened to James Frey in the last two weeks. Just because his publisher chose to say that these were memoirs, it took it out of being a work of fiction, a great work of fiction and very well-written, to this guy having to go be sucker-punched on 'Oprah' by one of the most powerful women in television just to grind her own ax about it. Hey, Oprah, You had President Clinton on your show, and if this [bleep] didn't lie about a couple of things, I'm going to set myself on fire right now."

Wow, Bruce Willis has never been this mad before in his entire life. I know because I use to play "go to strip club together" with him all the time. It was a good game, pretty much what it sounds like. I figured he knew me since I always was yelling my name, but one day he asked why I was following him. I never had a chance to answer, because the next thing I remember is urinating in my pants and waking up in a dumpster.

Posted by darkhat at 2/15/2006  
Anonymous said...

Psycho much?

3:06 PM  
Anonymous said...

NO, Oprah took a bunch of cheap shots at this guy for no reason. Plus Jennifer Aniston was in on it all along because she owns rights to the movie.

3:39 PM  
Anonymous said...

What a nut job PULL yourself together guy.

4:22 PM  
Anonymous said...

I always used to defend Oprah before this shit went down. Now I hate her. Memoirs are ALWAYS part fiction. No soul on earth can write a truly accurate account of their own life. You MUST embellish, otherwise it's not a book, it's a bunch of random, disconnected thoughts - because that's what life IS. It's not NATURALLY a 350 page book, or even a story - it has to be FORMED into one.

I seriously want to kick Oprah's fat fucking ass. She has no concept of art, yet she sets herself up as someone who does. PHILLISTINE. Yucky, patooey, barf, barf.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous said...

well put reese.

11:59 PM  

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