Ryan Phillippe Is Probably Two-Face

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ryan Phillippe is the center of rumors that claim he has signed on to play the role of Harvey Dent/Two-Face in the upcoming Batman Begins sequel. He would be joining Heath Ledger, who has already signed on to play The Joker.

IMDB claims: "Crash star Phillippe beat Liev Shreiber and Josh Lucas to the role of the scheming district attorney, played by Jones in 1995 movie Batman Forever, according to internet reports."

I'm not one to spread rumors unless it's going to benefit me or hurt someone else. Or if it's just a rumor about somebody having herpes. And I usually tell girls I'm deadly kick boxer who's in town looking for the men who killed my father. Spreading rumors is part of the natural human condition. At least that's what I learned in Med School. Did I say Med school? I meant I read it on a Snapple cap.


Posted by darkhat at 8/16/2006  

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