Jake Gyllenhaal Will Play Lance Armstrong
Monday, August 28, 2006
Jake Gyllenhaal has signed on to play cyclist Lance Armstrong in a movie about his life. Matthew McConaughey had been the favorite for the role, but Armstrong let is slip during a talk show on ESPN that Gyllenhaal beat him out.
An ESPN source said: "Lance said that's why he has been spending so much time with them both this summer." Armstrong, McConaughey and Gyllenhaal have been working out and riding bikes for the last 4 months.
I think I would be pretty upset if I worked out for the entire summer and ended up not getting the part I wanted. It reminds me a lot of my high school acting debut of Romeo and Juliet. You see, I memorized all my lines and rehearsed for weeks, but Jessica didn't want to practice the kiss. When it came time for our big moment, I froze up, and we shook hands. The crowd was in awe, but that's only because I was wearing sweat pants and had a boner.