Update On The Site Update,Which Was Updated
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
As you should already know, I've been busy raping woman in seminary school and waiting for my wireless internet to transfer over to my new place, which will happen tomorrow afternoon. I could make up excuses about building houses for the homeless, or masturbating to black on black porn, but honestly: I'm just too lazy to use the internet at another place. Anyways, I probably won't post tomorrow morning, so you don't have to bother checking my site regularly until after tomorrow. In the mean time, don't kill too many Mexicans, you bastards.
Update: Apparently, the white trash technician took way longer than expected with the internet hook up. A few people bitched at me for not going to a "internet cafe." I tried that the first day but it wasn't private enough. I had all these girls walking by, looking at me weird when I was downloading pictures of Brad Pitt for the site. It went like this
uncommon ground girl: "Big Brad Pitt fan huh?"
me: "I put roofies in your coffee."
Needless to say, I haven't gone back, but my internet is up and running now. I will post a bunch this weekend to make up for the last few days. Check back tomorrow.
Lol, are you seriously too lazy to walk out the door and go to an Internet Cafe, darkhat? You can drink cappuchinos there. It's not that much effort. Just lift the cup to your mouth and take a sip and try not to pass out from exhaustion.
wow brian, your so cutting edge and you don't care. you're so cool. jk you know i love you ;o) catch up to the update this weekend.
Taking Sunday off, dh? Tuckered out from all that hard work on Saturday?
(Just buggin' ya doll. You need your rest, lol)