Mandy Moore Hates Unlimited Orgasms

Monday, May 01, 2006

Contact Music has confirmed that Mandy Moore was pissed when she appeared on the May cover of Cosmopolitan magazine with the sexy headline 'orgasms unlimited' next to her face.

She explains, "I'm very flattered to be on a magazine cover, but the horrifying part is my parent's have framed every magazine that I've ever been on from the beginning. So there's a whole wall dedicated to that and it starts off with me at 14 and 'Mandy's favorite color is pink!' and now Cosmo and my face and 'orgasms unlimited.

The reason Mandy Moore says she hates unlimited orgasms is the same reason I save babies from fire breathing dragons, it just seems like the classy thing to do. However, when did she start caring about what her parents think? She kicked them out of her house last week so she could "grow up." I don't know about you, but the way I grow up involves saving princesses from doomed empires and sharing needles with hookers.

Posted by darkhat at 5/01/2006  
Anonymous said...

She's not saying that she hates unlimited orgasms:) She is saying she would rather that not be scrolled across her face. I wouldn't love my parents seeing that either and im about as old as she is. Also, she does have a certain moral to keep up with. When i think of Mandy Moore i think of a sweet and innocent little girl figure. Not like Britney Spears. She probably want's to keep up her crisp clean image. Remember when those porn-like photo's came out of Cameron Diaz? I mean, she was in Shrek, and she was part of the whole Nickoloden Kid's Choice Awards. She didn't want to be seen as a debotchorous woman. ;)

9:08 PM  

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