The Explanation

Thursday, May 18, 2006

My internet went down for some unknown reason today. The low rent cable guy had to come and fix it, I would have done it, but i was lucky that I was able to walk. You know, between masturbating to paraplegic porn and raping orphans, I'm surprised the minors on myspace still want to bang me retarded.

Obviously, regular posts will resume as of tommorrow, or maybe tonight if i get horney.

Posted by darkhat at 5/18/2006  
Anonymous said...

Don't lie! I had kidnapped you and made you my slave for the day! :)

9:27 PM  
Anonymous said...

Yo Capri, next time invite me over. 3-way, babe.

11:14 AM  
Anonymous said...

sounds good to me

10:32 PM  

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