Angelina Jolie Is A Liar

Monday, May 08, 2006

Reports are saying that Angelina Jolie has has finally come out against allegations that she “stole” Brad Pitt from Jennifer Aniston. She is now saying that Brad had already split up with Jennifer before they got together.

“I wouldn’t be attracted to a man who would cheat on his wife. .But I’ve grown too much to be hurt by what people’s opinions of my love live is. That doesn’t hurt me. I don’t read the gossip - although it is never nice when the world feels entitled to an opinion about your family.”

I don't know who Angelina Jolie thinks was banging her bloody during the Brad/Angelina/Jennifer controversy, but she had to be on some acid trip. She's not "attracted to men who cheat on their wife?" Are you serious? She has to know that Brad was cheating the whole time, she has to. I'm not saying I'm upset, I'm usually only attracted to girls who are cheating on their boyfriend. It's better to just have sex. Based on long talks with my team of court mandated expert therapists, that's why I would never have a committed relationshp with a girl. Anyways, all women are whores, except the ladies in my top 8.

Posted by darkhat at 5/08/2006  
Anonymous said...

You're the whore, darkhat.

11:26 AM  
Anonymous said...

Homewrecker liar whore!

10:47 PM  
Anonymous said...

first name whore,
second name slut,
lastname homewrecker.
stay away from the USA we don't want you here.

2:42 PM  

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