Rachel Weisz Is Elegant
Monday, March 27, 2006
The Post Chronicle is saying that actress Rachel Weisz, who is doing that trendy pregnant thing like everyone else, has reprimanded women for their extreme weight loss. She refuses to drop weight quickly after her pregnancy. Rachel, who won an Oscar this year, strongly believes that women do not need to punish their bodies with severe diets.
Rachel had this to say: "If you diet away your curves you are dieting away what makes you a woman, your femininity.I enjoy dressing up,almost all women do - but, really, you can do that without flagellating your body."
Well, thank you that save the world crap. I swear to god, why do some of these people waste their time? There's nothing I hate more than a generic statement to make yourself feel righteous. Things like: Women shouldn't crash diet. war is bad, don't shoot people, and help out puppies. All of these sayings are a waste of time.
BTW: I only posted this story to show Rachel's new April 2006 Vogue Photo Shoot.
OK one, britney spears isnt her idol, two she is a feminist and she deserves to feel that way. PLUS she is still skinny even with her pregnancy.