Harry Potter is a slut

Monday, July 09, 2007

Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe loves using women for sex. In fact, he uses the fame card to get laid all the time.

He says: "Girls who want to go out with me just because I'm famous has never been a problem. I'm 17. I don't care. Obviously, if I wanted a deep and meaningful relationship then I wouldn't want to be going out with somebody who is only with me because I'm an actor, but if you don't a relationship like that then it's fine."

I really hate that this Harry Potter kid can get laid easier than me. Sure, I have rock hard abs and can bench press a hippo, but that only impresses models. I want a girl who likes me for me. Not another model I treat like a piece of machinery.


Posted by darkhat at 7/09/2007  

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