Paris may go back to jail

Friday, June 08, 2007

Paris Hilton was forced back into court this morning at 9am and may have to return to jail. When Paris was sentenced to 45 days in jail last May, the judge specifically ruled that Paris was not allowed any work release, furloughs, use of an alternative jail or electronic monitoring in lieu of jail. Regardless, Paris was set up with a electronic monitoring system. The city attorneys office will argue that the sheriff violated the judges orders.

The AP reported:"The celebrity inmate was sent home from the Los Angeles County jail's Lynwood lockup shortly after 2 a.m. in a stunning reduction to her original 45-day sentence. She had reported to jail Sunday night after attending the MTV Movie Awards in a strapless designer dress. She was ordered to finish her sentence under house arrest, meaning she could not leave her four-bedroom, three-bath home in the Hollywood Hills until next month. City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo complained that he learned of her release the same way as almost everyone else — through news reports. Then, late Thursday, he filed a petition questioning whether Sheriff Lee Baca should be held in contempt of court for releasing Hilton — and demanding that she be held in custody. Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer's decision to haul Hilton back to the courtroom came shortly after."

Hopefully this bitch is thrown into one of those prisons that is surrounded by an alligator moat and drawbridge. And the only way for her to escape is to pass three tests. Each test more dangerous than the previous.


Posted by darkhat at 6/08/2007  

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