Kevin Will Sell Britney's Sex Tape

Monday, November 13, 2006

Rumor has it that Kevin Federline is going to sell a sex tape that he made with Britney Spears. One report says it is a 4 hour tape and he has already been offered $50 million to release it. The tape was made two years ago when they were in the early stages of their relationship.

The source close to Federline said : "At the time the two of them were in the honeymoon stages of the relationship and couldn't keep their hands off each other. They did nothing all day but make love and play the odd game of chess. They were insatiable and they believed they would be together forever. Britney didn't think twice about making the video at the time. She mistakenly believed that their love would last. They adored filming each other. They lived their lives in front of the cameras—even making a short-lived reality TV show of their exploits.

I'm not saying this story isn't true, but I'm saying K-fed didn't last 4 hours in the sack with Britney. At the time, she was the hottest girl on the planet, and even made guys cum just wearing a skirt. A scientist at Yale proved she would even make you orgasam if you witnessed her eating a big plate of elephant shit. True story.


Posted by darkhat at 11/13/2006  

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