Kevin Federline Is Pathetic

Monday, November 13, 2006

Kevin Federline is getting desperate and looking for any way to make money now that he is getting divorced. Kevin, who made $2 million selling home videos for the show "Chaotic," is trying to sell footage from cameras he installed in his car.

Federfag said:"I actually got a surveillance system put in my truck, so I'm recording everything. The paparazzi turn into a pack of wolves . . . I got some pretty funny video footage of them just tripping all over themselves like dominos."

I'm not sure how exciting K-cunt thinks footage of the paparazzi around him are, but I would rather watch someone change a tire on my car. Seriously, if someone pays for this shit I'm going to probably start a cult and try to destroy the world. I once sold a ham sandwich I dropped on the ground to a hitchhiker, and even though that's pathetic, it's not as worthless as Kevin's plan.


Posted by darkhat at 11/13/2006  

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