Bruce Willis's Voice Makes Halle Berry Wet

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Celeb News is sayting that Halle Berry had to act out sex scenes alone in the new movie Perfect Stranger, because Bruce Willis couldn't make the shoot. Berry was forced to get erotic on a bed while the crew played a tape recording of Willis' voice. They later used computer technology to put the pair together, this is the first time the technique has been used for a sex scene.

A set source says, "Halle wasn't phased performing solo. Although she, in effect, keeps her hands to herself, she is very convincing indeed in the love scenes."

I'm not going to be as surprised by this as most people, because I've done a few sex scenes before. The only difference is, I need to have a fluffer there with me. Even if the starlet isn't around for the sex scene, a burn out Dunkin Donuts counter girl is willing to blow me before the scene has to be filmed. When you're a big star like me, the size of your penis is just as important as the clit that it's in- even if the girl's a cashier from a super market.

Posted by darkhat at 5/11/2006  

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