Whitney Houston Is Back In Rehab

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Mirror is reporting that Whitney Houston has once again checked into a drug rehab in an attempt to beat her crack cocaine addiction. Recently, Whitney's sister-in-law Tina Brown revealed how the singer spent days in her bathroom on drugs, and even released pictures.

Tina said: "At first he thought she was just off on another drug binge.It took a few days to find out from Whitney's family that they had talked her into rehab. All Bobby told me is that she is in treatment, in a secluded place."

The reality is Whitney Houston will have a 3.7% chance to stay sober after a year, and that percentage is even lower because she's black, probably. All I know is that's what my friend who keeps burning these damn crosses on my lawn says. But I'll never drop the case you hear me, Leroy is innocent! I will stand up and fight for what's right, even if my client is black. Beat me in the court room, you bastard.

Posted by darkhat at 4/19/2006  

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