Liv Tyler In May Harper's Bazaar
Friday, April 14, 2006
This is Liv Tyler's May UK Harper's Bazaar photo shoot. I don't know if anyone remembers, but for the last year Liv Tyler weighed about 5 thousand pounds, so cutting back on the cheese cake was a good thing.
I don't have much to say about this girl, or as G-Unit tells me to call her, bitch, but I'm really glad she lost that weight. Nobody likes a fat girl, and I mean nobody. Not even the fat girl's parents. I'm not telling you young girls to throw up your meals, well yes actually, yes I am.
Here's a test: See if you can pick out which pictures are her Harper's Bazaar photo shoot, and which pictures are really a sperm whale, dressed as Liv.
A lot of you posting comments about this beautiful person probably look like bull elephants yourselves. The only differene is that you get to stay hidden.