New Indiana Jones Gets The Green Light

Thursday, March 16, 2006

IMDB is reporting that Harrison Ford has confirmed that everyone has finally agreed to do another Indiana Jones movie. They are going to start filming very soon. They were back and forth on this movie for about a year, but now Ford and Spielberg have agreed on a script. This has some added excitement because George Lucas is a part of it.

Ford tells German magazine Fit For Fun: "Steven Spielberg and I now have a script in hand that we both like. I believe that we can start with the filming soon."

Well, now those old people can sleep easily knowing their precious Indiana Jones is coming back. I don't know why this is such a big deal. The movies were OK, but that's it. They weren't spectacular or anything. They were simply average. Almost like jerking off in a sock.

Posted by darkhat at 3/16/2006  

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