Kate Moss's New March Vogue Photo Shoot
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Once again, that sexy temptress Nosy Snoop scored some new pictures. This is Kate Moss's new photo shoot from the March issue of Vogue. Usually I don't post new pictures of Kate Moss for the same reason I don't look at my grandmother naked in the shower. It just isn't very satisfying. Anyways, I guess she looks a little better than usual in these pictures, but it's too bad she isn't snorting cocaine off of Lindsay Lohan or something. That would make a much hotter photo shoot, at least I think so.
Oh, in case you're wondering, it looks like Kate still isn't going to face any charges from the London police. It is looking very good for her, unlike her pyramid face. I don't know if I'm seeing things, but in that second picture I think you can see her left breast. I don't know how Vogue slipped that in, but I''m fine with it.